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Introduction to Biomass – Awareness Seminars

Introduction to Biomass – Awareness Seminars

Government incentives are making biomass installation, a very attractive alternative for heating homes and commercial premises through the power of renewable energy. The market is being pushed forward like never before with £22 billion pounds being spent on heat in the United Kingdom. As a result of this upsurge, Schiedel Chimney Systems in conjunction with biomass consultancy re:heat are holding a series of Free of Charge Biomass awareness seminars for heating engineers and contractors.

The Biomass feeder sessions will run on four occasions through 2013 and hope to bring industry employees up to speed with the latest in biomass technology and the opportunities that accompany it.

David Wright from Schiedel Chimney Systems helps to explain just how the biomass boiler is taking heating to the next level and why it has become such a popular choice;

“With 20 times more wood-fired boilers than heat pumps installed under the new Renewable Heat Incentive scheme since its launch, more and more heating engineers and contractors need to be keeping up to speed with the latest developments and initiatives. The biomass industry is now a proven home and workplace heating solution and with the growth of the renewables sector it is also proven to be an eco-friendly option.”

“For those working within the industry it is important to keep yourself up to date with information and accreditations. The introductory feeder course is an opportunity for you to review what the biomass sector can bring to your own business as heat pumps become old technology”.

The Biomass Awareness Seminars are to be held at Schiedel’s new training facility inWashington. The training centre, which is also the only HETAS accredited site offering a full range of HETAS courses in the northern half of the United Kingdom has excellent facilities for those considering a move into the booming wood heating market.

David tells us what the sessions will entail;

“The seminars will introduce the scale of the opportunity that is emerging for wood-fired heating appliances and provide valuable insights into theUKmarket, including specific case studies. Those attending will also have the opportunity to tour the facilities, where Schiedel have live rigs show-casing traditional wet and dry multi-fuel stoves, and also cutting-edge automated wood fires boilers from leading Austrian manufacturer, ETA Heiztechnik”.

The Biomass feeder sessions will run on the following dates

  • January 14th 2013
  • April 15th 2013
  • July 8th 2013
  • October 14th 2013

The courses commence at 10am and will finish by 1pm with refreshments provided. Spaces are limited, for bookings contact 0191 416 1150.

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Media Contact:

Barbara Huddart

T. 01668 283 044

E. [email protected]