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Flour Power at Glendale Children’s Countryside Day

Flour Power at Glendale Children’s Countryside Day  



Earlier today, 1700 children from 40 schools from across Northumberland and the north of England learnt first-hand, exactly where their food comes from.

On this unique day, children learnt about all aspects of farming and the countryside. This year there was a special focus on the arable industry and a dedicated marquee all about the power of Flour.  Also new for this year was a mini mixed farm, demonstrating to children the diversity of the countryside and a working farm.

Each of the schools brought with them a branded packet of their own home made biscuits. They have had to research local produce, create a recipe, cost, package and brand. The children demonstrated that they are true young apprentices and Judge Mrs Burston was certainly challenged in choosing the overall winner. After much consideration, tasting and debate, The Hugh Joicey Church of England First School scooped first prize.

The menu of activities during the day for children was extensive and diverse. They saw how the sheep are auctioned, sheared and butchered, they plucked chickens, Lion coded eggs, learnt that milk was not from a bottle and the cheese was made from the milk. The countryside is not just about food, it is there to enjoy and be cared for so the children learnt about wildlife, the role for the countryside and environmental management.

Commenting afterwards Chair of the Countryside Day Committee, Hannah Hubb:  “We have all had the most fantastic day, the sun shone and the huge field was full of smiling faces. But the Children’s Country Day, is an event that has a very serious mission. Our aim as an organisation is to re-engage children with the origins of food and the ways of the countryside.”

1016069_639823059361936_1013198277_n“A recent survey by the British Nutrition Foundation found that 29% of primary aged children thought that cheese came from plants.  So, I do very much hope that the children who attended today will have a much fuller understanding of where their food comes from and that 100% of the children went home knowing that cheese if very definitely made from milk.”

The Glendale area is one of the foremost grain producing areas in the UK and the children aged between 5 and 9 met the farmers, saw the machinery, ground the wheat and learnt that cereals make their bread, cakes, pasta, rapeseed oil and many other stable items.   Berwick based Silvery Tweed Cereals, who attended for the first time, brought along samples of wheat, barley, processed grains, flakes and flour.  They also provided different ingredients so that children could blend their own muesli which proved very popular.

Robert Gladstone, Managing Director, commenting afterwards on the role a day such as this plays in children’s education said: “It was a highly rewarding day in which I felt the children were very engaged about the importance of food and especially breakfast to start the day which was good to hear. I think they especially enjoyed the hands on approach of being able to touch and feel the raw products. The whole day I felt was hugely successful and very well organised to cover such a wide range of agricultural related activities.  We should also acknowledge the work the Glendale Committee has undertaken to run such a fantastic event; Silvery Tweed will definitely be back next year.

Since the first Countryside Day, nine years ago, The Glendale Agricultural Society have educated over 20,000 children. The Society, which is based in Wooler in North Northumberland, invites schools from both urban and rural schools to attend. The Children’s Education Day is one of the leading days of its kind in the UK and for most of the children is a highlight in their educational calendar.

The day is organised by a small volunteer committee with one part-time member of staff and it is a real community event. All the 60 exhibitors and stewards (approximately 250 individuals) give their time free, and enjoy it along with the children. Local businesses who attended did so because they are passionate and teaching children and food production.

To conclude Ruth Oldfield Event Manager for this her first Children’s Countryside Day said:  “The Children’s Countryside Day is for invited schools only and is only possible with the support of the exhibitors, the volunteers, the sponsors and funders. Without their support this event would never have happened and there would be thousands of children across Northumberland and Tyneside who would not have benefited from this unique classroom in the Countryside.”

Further information about Glendale Agricultural Society and the Children’s Countryside Day can be found on www.glendaleshow.com.

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Barbara Huddart

E: [email protected] T: 01668 283 044